Color Trajectory Frequency
      0 < Freq. ≤ 10
      10 < Freq. ≤ 20
      20 < Freq. ≤ 30
      30 < Freq. ≤ 40
      40 < Freq. ≤ 50
      50 < Freq. ≤ 60
      60 < Freq. ≤ 70
      70 < Freq. ≤ 80
      80 < Freq. ≤ 90
      90 < Freq. ≤ 100
Index Hub Freq Num Of Links Community Value
1A:A:7 74.55400
2A:A:9 50410
3A:A:13 67.61400
4A:A:36 83.12500
5A:A:42 82.67400
6A:A:53 50400
7A:A:61 97.36400
8A:A:76 38.9430
9A:A:86 49.8410
10A:A:91 96.44500

Index: hub id, click on each number to highlight the corresponding hub in the 3D visualization.

Hub: the hub being considered.

Freq: the trajectory frequency of the corresponding hub.

Num Of Links: the number of links of the corresponding hub.

Community: the id of the community the link belong to, otherwise 0.

Value: this column reports the value present in the user submitted external values file (if any).

Color Relative Recurrence (%)
      0 < rr ≤ 10
      10 < rr ≤ 20
      20 < rr ≤ 30
      30 < rr ≤ 40
      40 < rr ≤ 50
      50 < rr ≤ 60
      60 < rr ≤ 70
      70 < rr ≤ 80
      80 < rr ≤ 90
      90 < rr ≤ 100
Index Node1 Node2 Recurrency Freq Hub1? Hub2? Community Value1 Value2
1A:A:7 A:A:91 88.294878.42YesYes000
2A:A:7 A:A:8 88.680267.53YesNo000
3A:A:8 A:A:9 22.73699.86NoYes100
4A:A:8 A:A:86 63.391187.6NoYes100
5A:A:10 A:A:9 21.339111.1NoYes000
6A:A:85 A:A:86 63.824777.98NoYes000
7A:A:84 A:A:85 60.5491100NoNo000
8A:A:83 A:A:84 57.177392.1NoNo000
9A:A:13 A:A:83 53.612740.01YesNo000
10A:A:90 A:A:91 10099.99NoYes000
11A:A:57 A:A:90 97.109859.56NoNo000
12A:A:57 A:A:58 92.8709100NoNo200
13A:A:35 A:A:58 91.040589.13NoNo000
14A:A:35 A:A:36 87.7649100NoYes000
15A:A:23 A:A:36 46.86927.05NoYes000
16A:A:22 A:A:23 39.9326100NoNo000
17A:A:31 A:A:36 35.452853.53NoYes000
18A:A:30 A:A:31 27.986599.97NoNo000
19A:A:29 A:A:30 20.183100NoNo000
20A:A:7 A:A:89 74.42299.98YesNo000
21A:A:52 A:A:89 50.481757.65NoNo000
22A:A:51 A:A:52 59.4412100NoNo000
23A:A:49 A:A:51 53.9981100NoNo000
24A:A:48 A:A:49 45.18386.98NoNo000
25A:A:47 A:A:48 35.886397.18NoNo000
26A:A:42 A:A:47 24.229389.55YesNo000
27A:A:56 A:A:91 34.922994.54NoYes000
28A:A:53 A:A:56 32.851674.84YesNo000
29A:A:52 A:A:53 31.165767.55NoYes000
30A:A:88 A:A:89 37.957699.96NoNo000
31A:A:60 A:A:88 34.05590.04NoNo000
32A:A:60 A:A:61 31.64740.09NoYes000
33A:A:61 A:A:64 20.809299.71YesNo000
34A:A:22 A:A:71 23.265956.64NoNo000
35A:A:13 A:A:81 36.416298.37YesNo000
36A:A:80 A:A:81 29.9133100NoNo000

Index: link id, click on each number to highlight the corresponding link in the 3D visualization.

Node1 Node2: the two nodes of the corresponding link.

Recurrency: the relative recurrency in the filtered pool of shortest paths.

Freq: the trajectory frequency of this link.

Hub1?, Hub2?: "Yes" if the corresponding node has more than 3 links, otherwise "No".

Community: the id of the community the link belong to, otherwise 0.

Value1, Value2: these columns report the values present in the user submitted external values file (if any).

Color Relative Recurrence (%)
      0 < rr ≤ 10
      10 < rr ≤ 20
      20 < rr ≤ 30
      30 < rr ≤ 40
      40 < rr ≤ 50
      50 < rr ≤ 60
      60 < rr ≤ 70
      70 < rr ≤ 80
      80 < rr ≤ 90
      9 < rr ≤ 10

Here, those paths that begin and end at given residue pair(s) or that pass through a residue are used to generate a novel metapath. Such a path filtering is particularly recommended if some information on allosteric residues is available. The selection syntax for a residue pair ("Pairs") is C:C:c534,A:A:?600 (the lower-case "c" stands for cytosine and "?" indicates any non standard amino acid or nucleotide residue). Selection of more than one apical residue pair has the following syntax: C:C:c534,A:A:?600,C:C:c534,A:A:E41. Only one residue can be selected as a tail ("Tail"). For midway residue(s), each residue must be separated by a comma as well e.g. A:A:?600,A:A:E41.


Index Node1 Node2 Recurrency Freq Hub1? Hub2? Community Value1 Value2

Index: link id, click on each number to highlight the corresponding link in the 3D visualization.

Node1 Node2: the two nodes of the corresponding link.

Recurrency: the relative recurrency in the filtered pool of shortest paths.

Freq: the trajectory frequency of this link.

Hub1?, Hub2?: "Yes" if the corresponding node has more than 3 links, otherwise "No".

Community: the id of the community the link belong to, otherwise 0.

Value1, Value2: these columns report the values present in the user submitted external values file (if any).

Download PSN data

Trj Stats Plots:

Stat 1 Stat 2 Documentation

2D representation of the global metapath and histograms of path distribution according to several parameters:

2D representation of the user filetered metapath and histograms of path distribution according to several parameters:

Net Summary
Imin 4.56612
Number of Linked Nodes 94
Number of Links 100
Number of Hubs 10
Number of Links mediated by Hubs 40
Number of Communities 3
Number of Nodes involved in Communities 10
Number of Links involved in Communities 11
Path Summary
Number Of Nodes in MetaPath 37
Number Of Links MetaPath 36
Number of Shortest Paths 4490
Length Of Smallest Path 3
Average Path Length 11.4973
Length of Longest Path 24
Minimum Path Force 3.115
Average Path Force 6.54774
Maximum Path Force 10.685
Minimum Path Correlation 0.805
Average Path Correlation 0.889069
Maximum Path Correlation 0.943
Minimum % Of Corr. Nodes 5
Average % Of Corr. Nodes 23.5995
Maximum % Of Corr. Nodes 100
Minimum Path Hubs % 0
Average Path Hubs % 25.2387
Maximum Path Hubs % 75
Filtered Path Summary
Number Of Nodes in MetaPath available after path filtering
Number Of Links MetaPath available after path filtering
Number of Shortest Paths available after path filtering
Length Of Smallest Path available after path filtering
Average Path Length available after path filtering
Length of Longest Path available after path filtering
Minimum Path Force available after path filtering
Average Path Force available after path filtering
Maximum Path Force available after path filtering
Minimum Path Correlation available after path filtering
Average Path Correlation available after path filtering
Maximum Path Correlation available after path filtering
Minimum % Of Corr. Nodes available after path filtering
Average % Of Corr. Nodes available after path filtering
Maximum % Of Corr. Nodes available after path filtering
Minimum Path Hubs % available after path filtering
Average Path Hubs % available after path filtering
Maximum Path Hubs % available after path filtering

Details about the values in these tables can be found in the corresponding documentation page .

You can download a compressed (zip) file with all submitted structures, 3D outputs (as PyMol and VMD scripts) and numerical data files (as csv and plain text files). The zip bundle also contains an output manual explaining the meaning of all files and numerical data.
